Business Central Bootcamp - SCM and WMS
Service Description
Do you use Microsoft business applications? Learning new features is easy. Knowing when to use them is tricky. The Microsoft Learn site, YouTube channels and blogs are free resources for learning about pages, reports and flows, providing free knowledge you can access 24/7. How do you learn which feature to apply to address a specific business requirement? You need to learn using a combination of two critical elements: - Application design and features. - Use cases based on actual business processes, challenges and best practices. Where do you find such training? Nowhere! That’s why I decided to create one. I am looking for ten functional consultants who want to spend three days with me in London for a Business Central Bootcamp. We will review a fictitious Cronus food and beverage business case, analyse requirements, and design, configure, and test the solution using the supply chain and the WMS module. Over three days, we will learn how to go from analysis to go-live using a Business Central sandbox.
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, please send us an email 24 hours in advance
Contact Details
Canada Street, London, UK